International Women’s Day
As the 101st International Women’s Day was celebrated last week (8th March), our thoughts turned to those events of a century ago and the struggle of thousands of women ever since, determined to see a society equal in rights and opportunity. Let’s not forget, however, the continuing battle for many women today, even in western culture, who feel they have no voice, their opinion is meaningless and it’s easier to sit back and be quiet as opposed to being badged ‘difficult’.
According to a government report last year, at the current rate of change it will take over 70 years to achieve gender-balanced boardrooms in the UK. Many respondents to the consultation felt that women with corporate experience were frequently overlooked for development opportunities and that there were differences in the way that men and women were mentored and sponsored, which gave men the edge over their female peers. Others cited gender behavioural traits as a key issue, whereby women tend to undervalue their own skills, achievements and experiences.*
It’s in this field that Kay White, known as the Savvy and Influential Communication Expert, has found her calling in life. Author of the international number 1 bestseller ‘The A to Z of Being Understood’, Kay works with ambitious, experienced, and often frustrated, professional women (and a few very smart men), enabling them to express themselves and be both seen and heard, not only in the workplace, but in their private lives too. Using a blend of subtle, savvy words and self-confidence boosting mindsets, Kay demonstrates how to use language in the same way as one would use accessories – to add interest, highlight and sparkle.
Kay has an uncanny mastery of the English language – the ability to know just what to say, and how, in order to deliver impactful messages that are not only heard, but also acted upon. Kay explains “I’ve created a 7-step system called the LINKING-your-Thinking ™ system, and my clients are able to weave the steps through the way they express themselves. I truly believe in giving everyone a voice and the ways and the words to get the recognition they deserve. Clients become more assertive, more confidence and far more savvy in how they put themselves across. One of my clients describes the systems as ‘Jedi’!”
The result of Kay’s clients taking on her tools, tips, mindsets and phrases is someone more confident and able to, not only communicate but, connect with customers and colleagues successfully, ensuring that their message is heard, understood and, most importantly, implemented.
As International Women’s Day provided us with a poignant reminder of the achievements of our foremothers – it’s time for all of us frustrated wallflowers to get out there on the dance floor to do justice to this memory by showing up, finding our voice and learning to truly sparkle and be heard.
Listen to Kay’s International Women’s Day interview with Mark Murphy on BBC Radio Suffolk here.